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Friday, September 10, 2010

More about the Island

Palawan is a lush green island with some of the best spots to dive in the country. The dive sites as well as the luxury resorts are located at El Nido at the north end of the island. Go there for seashells butterflies jungle walks and the Tabon Caves an ancient burial site.
Palawan is 500 km southwest of Manila
If you are keen on wreck diving be sure to visit Busuanga island north of El Nido. In the midst of the second World War the American army decided to heavily damage the Japanese Imperial supply lines, which they did in the bay of Busuanga island.Don't miss out on the stunning lakes on Coron island, which lies right next to Busuanga. Don't forget to bring insect repellent when visiting the Coron lakes! You can also cruise around the Coron Islands.
Furthermore the island of Palawan remains a tropical paradise, it's rather cheap, lush, densely populated and lacks the effects of mass-tourism.
 The history of Palawan may be traced back 22,000 years ago as confirmed by the discovery of fossils of the Tabon cave man in Quezon, Palawan.
There are several versions regarding the origin of the name "Palawan". Some contend that it was derived from the Chinese word Pa lao yu" meaning" Land of the Beautiful Harbours". Others believe that it came from the Indian word 'Palawas' meaning territory. Still others believe that it was derived from a plant which the natives called 'Palwa'. But the popular belief is that "Palawan" is a corrupted form of the Spanish word "Paragua" because the main island's shape resembles a closed umbrella.

The province is subdivided into 23 municipalities namely Aborlan, Agutaya, Araceli, Balabac, Bataraza, Brooke's Point, Busuanga, Cagayancillo, Coron, Cuyo, Dumaran, El Nido, Kalayaan, Linapacan, Magsagsas, Marcos, Narra, Quezon, Roxas, San Vicente and Taytay. Furthermore, there are 420 barangays and one city. Twelve municipalities are located in the mainland. The other 18 island municipalities are accessible by motorized bancas and launches plying the neighboring municipalities and the city of Puerto Princesa.

There are 52 dialects in the province, with Tagalog being spoken by 28% of the people. Other major dialects are Cuyono (26.27%) Pinakawan (IIonggo 11.08%) and IIonggo (9.6%).

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